Kicks Online Official Release
Posted by: KicksOnline Posted on: 01 Jul, 2020Kicks Online launched!
We are pleased to announce that the new official version of Kicks Online has been launched.
This is the official version of Kicks Online powered by Steam, updates will be applied automatically over the time by adding new modern graphics , adding new systems , & much more , the client has auto-updater and it will be sincronized with Steam, our database has been cleaned and has much more space along with our server specs. We decided to remove all the bans to everyone who was banned on previous version for breaking the rules. Take this is as second chance to start an clean start for everyone. Respect the general game rules and keep a clean and sane community.
Patch 1:
* Experience rate based on levels (Visit Servers page)
* Experience on missions increased
* 30 New missions added
* 50 New items added
* 15 New custom graphics / interfaces added
* Anticheat and match log added
* Cloudflare security added
* Security & Bug fixes
* Transaction historial page log for Points & Kash (Visit Historial page)
* Automatic database backup every 24 hours
* Kicks Market improved (Visit FAQ page)
* Rewards System (Visit FAQ page)
* Website remodel
* Forum remodel
* Official domains: ( | | | | our WhatsApp Chat
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